Dean of UC College of Pharmacy Optimistic About Graduates’ Job Prospects Posted on Oct 30

By Sterling Medical Staff

Despite the less-than-certain job prospects facing today’s college graduates, the new Dean of University of Cincinnati’s College of Pharmacy is confident his students will find jobs almost immediately out the door.  When asked in a recent interview how many upcoming College of Pharmacy graduates can expect to land jobs, Neil MacKinnon quickly responded: “Easy question, 100 percent.”* Read more

Psychologist Uses Comics to Treat Patients Posted on Oct 7

By Sterling Medical Staff

As comic books and graphic novels become increasingly popular source material for major motion pictures, they are also providing inspiration in a more unlikely realm: psychology.  Chicago Psychologist Dr. Patrick O’Connor, PsyD, who specializes in treating teens and young adults, has pioneered an effort to use comic books for therapy. Read more